+44(0) 1531 821227 nadservices@newentbb.co.uk
Group of Seniors

Tuesday and Friday mornings clients explore their creativity, undertaking craft work.

Knitting, sewing, embroidery, pom -pom making, tapestry, door stop making, paper craft, sequin work, button craft, jewellery making…….the list is endless!!

On Thursday mornings men and women work side by side undertaking craft projects.

These projects last six weeks are open to members of the outside community. The next project is covering and making a rag doll and begins June 22nd.

The cost is five pounds per session to include tuition, tea or coffee and biscuits. There will be a small fee to cover the cost of the felt and wadding used for the body of the doll. We have cotton ready for the dress and apron of if you prefer you can bring your own.

For more details, please ring Vanessa on 01531 821227.